Contents White Fragility: A Book Review Reflections on the Womxn of Color Summit Local Equity Events White Fragility: A Book Review Click the video above for an ASL translation of this article. by Jena Floyd, DHHS Client Advocate Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge that White Fragility was written by a white female in her early…

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[image description: Two adults and one child sitting in a classroom. The adult on the left has short, spiky light brown hair with light skin and a dark gray sweater. They are sitting with the child, who has short, straight blonde hair with a gray sweater. The person on the right has brown hair down…

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[image description: Bart Williams and Trevor Ennis smiling for a picture in front of a beige wall. Bart is on the left: tall, dark-skinned, masculine-presenting with close-cropped hair, a dark beard, white shirt, and blue vest. On the right is Trevor: light-skinned and masculine-presenting with short brown hair, a grey suit, and a light blue…

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[image description: Four Nordstrom employees in black t-shirts smiling for a selfie. Holding the selfie is Cesha, a dark-skinned, feminine-presenting person with white glasses, a nose piercing, and hoop earrings. Her dark hair is shaved on the sides and dyed blue on top. Behind Cesha are three feminine-presenting people. From left to right: light-skinned, short…

Read more: Nordstrom’s Day of Caring